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comsol command line

Run COMSOL Multiphysics Simulations in Batch Mode from the Command Line

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Learning to run simulations in Batch mode from the command line is essential if you don’t like waiting for each model to complete solving before you can start a new one. It turns out that this is a rather straightforward procedure. Interested to Learn Engineering modelling? Check our Courses? Why Run in Batch Mode? If […]

FInite element method simulation in comsol

Finite Element Method simulation in COMSOL

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The finite element method (FEM) is a popular technique for numerically solving differential equations in engineering and mathematics. Finite Element Method simulation in COMSOL is a well-known simulation workflow. The classic domains of structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport, and electromagnetic potential are typical issue areas of interest. In two or three spatial […]

COMSOL image to curve geometry

How to make COMSOL image to Geometry

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COMSOL image to Geometry: This add-in allows you to utilise a picture as the starting point for your analysis with the Image to Curve add-in. A contour plot of an imported picture is used to generate an interpolation curve, which is produced using the add-in. Afterwards, this interpolation curve may be utilised as part of […]

Export image in COMSOL Multiphysics

How to Export Image in COMSOL

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Export Image in COMSOL In this blog you will learn how you can export high-resolution images from comsol multiphysics. the high-resolution image is very important and sometimes a compulsory requirement when submitting images for a research article. Graphic window So the first step is to run your simulation and set up your graphical window so […]

Electrical circuit (cir) simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics

Half Wave rectifier electrical circuit simulation in COMSOL

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electrical circuit simulation in COMSOL will be discussed in this blog. I will try to explain how you can simulate a half-wave rectifier in comsol multiphysics. Simulating electric circuits is quite interesting and only a few software can actually do it properly. you can use Simulink for can use any other circuit simulation tool but […]

Export Selective Geometry from COMSOL Multiphysics

How to Export Geometry in COMSOL Multiphysics

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Export Geometry in COMSOLIn this blog, we will learn how you can export geometry from comsol Multiphysics. Particularly how you can export specific domains or specific selections from your model to another model. (export domains in comsol, export selective groups in comsol, export complete geometry in comsol ) Building COMSOL Model Geometry At first you […]