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Update Results Feature in COMSOL Multiphysics

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Use the "Update results" feature to optimize your simulations.


COMSOL Multiphysics has revolutionized the way engineers and researchers conduct simulations. One particular feature that stands out is the "Update results" function. But how do you effectively use it to enhance your projects? In this comprehensive guide, we'll unlock the secrets behind this powerful feature.

How to use "Update results" feature in COMSOL Multiphysics

Imagine you're deep into your simulation, and you've made a few tweaks to the parameters. Now, instead of rerunning the entire simulation, you just want to see how these changes influence the outcome. This is where the "Update results" feature comes to play. With a simple click, COMSOL will recalculate and present the new results, saving you invaluable time.

Benefits of "Update results"

Speed up Your Workflow

One major advantage is the accelerated workflow. Gone are the days of waiting impatiently for simulations to re-run entirely.

Accuracy in Simulations

The "Update results" function ensures that all changes are immediately reflected, ensuring a high degree of accuracy in your simulations.

Efficient Resource Utilization

Reduced computational power and less memory usage make this feature a boon for intricate projects.

Getting Started with "Update results"

Before diving headlong, it's crucial to understand the core functionalities.

Locating the Feature

Primarily found in the Results tab, the "Update results" option is conveniently placed for immediate access.


Ensure you've set the necessary parameters and boundary conditions for the simulation to yield meaningful updates.

Step-by-Step Usage

1. Set the Stage

Begin by finalizing the geometry, mesh, and physics settings.

2. Initial Simulation

Run your initial simulation to get the base results.

3. Introduce Changes

Whether it's tweaking a parameter or changing boundary conditions, make the desired adjustments.

4. Click "Update results"

Located in the Results tab, this will prompt COMSOL to recalculate based on the new settings.

5. Analyze and Repeat

If further changes are needed, simply repeat the process.

Tips and Tricks

Regularly Save Your Work

Though "Update results" is a boon, always save your project before making significant changes.

Monitor System Resources

Keep an eye on memory usage, especially when working on large-scale simulations.

Common Misconceptions

Instantaneous Results

Though quicker, the "Update results" feature doesn't always mean instantaneous results. Complex simulations may still take some time.


It's not always suitable for every change. Some fundamental alterations may require a full simulation rerun.

External Resources


How does "Update results" differ from rerunning the entire simulation?
While rerunning simulates the entire scenario from scratch, "Update results" only recalculates based on the changes made, saving time.

Is the "Update results" feature available in all versions of COMSOL?
This feature is predominant in recent versions. However, for older versions, it's advisable to refer to the respective user manuals.

Are the results obtained from "Update results" as accurate as a full rerun?
Absolutely! The feature recalculates based on the set parameters ensuring the results are accurate.

Can "Update results" handle large-scale simulations?
Yes, but the time saved may vary. For massive simulations, ensure you have adequate computational resources.

What if I encounter an error after updating the results?
Errors can occur. If they do, ensure you've correctly set your parameters, boundary conditions, and initial conditions. If the issue persists, consider a full rerun.

Is it advisable to always use the "Update results" feature?
While it's a powerful tool, it's not always the solution. Fundamental changes may require a complete rerun to get accurate results.


Harnessing the power of the "Update results" feature in COMSOL Multiphysics can transform your simulation process. As with all tools, understanding its strengths and limitations is key. Through this guide, we hope you've gained valuable insights into effectively using this feature, ensuring your projects run smoothly and efficiently.

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