The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method was first presented to the scientific community by Turner et al. (1956). It is a powerful computational technique that can be used to approximate solutions to a wide variety of "real-world" engineering problems that involve complex domains that are subjected to general boundary conditions.
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In many areas of engineering, including the design and modelling of physical phenomena, finite element analysis (FEA) has emerged as an important phase. Typically, a physical occurrence will take place in a continuum of matter, whether it is solid, liquid, or gas, and will include several field variables. Because the field variables change from point to point, the domain as a whole has an endless number of different possible solutions.
FEA depends on the decomposition of the domain into a limited number of subdomains (elements), for each of which the systematic approximate solution is constructed by using the variational or weighted residual techniques. This decomposition is the foundation of FEA. By dividing the domain into elements and describing the unknown field variable in terms of the assumed approximation functions inside each element, FEA effectively reduces the issue to that of a limited number of unknowns.

This is accomplished by dividing the domain into elements. These functions, which are also known as interpolation functions, are defined in terms of the values of the field variables at certain positions known as nodes. Nodes are often found at the boundaries of the elements, and they link the elements that are next to one another. Because it is possible to discretize the irregular domains using finite elements, the approach is a very useful and practically applicable analytical tool for the solution of boundary, initial, and eigenvalue problems arising in various engineering disciplines.
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