Avoid Peak Hour Shopping
Avoid Peak Hour Shopping at high covid infection areas
If situation permits try complete outdoor activities at odd times like early morning or which ever is suitable so that there is minimum interaction with others. this is very effective Covid 19 precaution.
Use UPI or Card Payment when possible
Use UPI / Card Payment when possible to prevent contacts
use UPI or card payment whenever possible and minimise the use of cash and coins. This is very less talked but important Covid 19 precaution.
Handling cash and coins
Handling cash and coins
If you are using cash payment, keep the return at a seperate compartment, sanitize the paper notes and put the coins in light soap water and dry. Again this is completely ignored by most of us, but this is important against Covid 19. [Ref]
Wear double mask as a Covid 19 precaution
Wear double mask in crowds
Depending on the situation and high infection rate, consider the use of double mask (a combination of surgical mask and cloth mask) instead of just a surgical mask. [3]
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables to provide immunity against covid
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables
Eat fresh fruits, vegetables that are seasonal. Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables. [1]
Limit Sugar and Salt Intake as a Covid 19 precautions
Drink plenty water & exercise
Drink plenty water & exercise
Good hydration is crucial for optimal health. Remember alcohol is not part of a healthy diet nor protect against covid 19 [1]
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