COMSOL or Ansys. It's difficult to compare them because they serve distinct objectives, but in a nutshell, there are certain differences from the user's standpoint. COMSOL is far more intuitive and user-friendly software (in fact, it is perhaps the most user-friendly FEA application), and it can still handle a wide range of complex issues. When it comes to structural studies and CFD simulations, however, ANSYS seems more talked about.
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Which one to use COMSOL or Ansys?
Both provide the ability to accurately solve multiphysics phenomena, however, the programme used depends on the aim. If you want to use generic physics models and save time, I recommend ANSYS, and if you want the best access to the physics and equations regardless of time, I recommend COMSOL.
Who can work with COMSOL best
For scientists who already deal with Matlab, COMSOL is the obvious choice. This software is designed to solve multiphysics problems and is very open to user input, new functions, and other enhancements. Geometry modelling is a difficult task, however, the import function does its wonders.
Who can work with ANSYS best

ANSYS is still divided into two types of modellers: Classic and Workbench. Workbench is a CAD-like programme that is widely used in the industry. Ansys' solvers are extremely reliable and efficient. If you want to do something a little different, APDL programming can be quite beneficial, but it's best to utilise it in conjunction with Classic Ansys.
COMSOL for free ?
Comsol multiphysics is not free software. comsol multiphysics also does not provide any official trial version for everyone. they may provide a trial version personally for specific projects for their online webinars. also, there is no search student version available to download.
Download COMSOL from Official website 👇
Ansys free software ?
Ansys is not free software. but Ansys has a student version available. Ansys Student offers free access to Ansys Workbench-based bundle. This bundle includes Ansys Mechanical, Ansys CFD, Ansys Autodyn, Ansys SpaceClaim and Ansys DesignXplorer. Used by students across the globe, Ansys Student can be leveraged to enhance your skillset with some of our most-used products. Check it here.
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